Nano-electronics Systems & Materials Research Team
News and Highlights
Publication in Applied Surface Science
28 November 2024
Ashly's paper on "Persistent photoconductivity and Emulating Ebbinghaus forgetting curve via characterization of excitatory synaptic transmission in a ZnO-based optoelectronic synapse with ultra-low power (~ fJ) consumption", co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in Applied Surface Science by Elsevier.
(I.F. 6.3).

Publication in RSC Nanoscale
6 September 2024
Amrita's paper on "Combined optical & electrical control of a low-power consuming (∼fJ) two-terminal organic artificial synapse for associative learning and neuromorphic applications" co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in Nanoscale by RSC (I.F. 5.8)

Publication from International Collaboration
26 August 2024
A paper on "A carbon electrode approach for TiO2-write-once-read-many resistive memories", co-authored by Dr. R. Thamankar, in collaboration with researchers from Dept. of Chemistry and School of Electrical Engineering at VIT Vellore, and Multimedia University and Taylor's University in Malaysia, is published in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing by Elsevier. (I.F. 4.2)

Publication from Collaborative Work
19 August 2024
A paper on "Ligand-controlled UV light absorption property and neuromorphic behavior of a new Th(IV)- bisphosphoramide complex", co-authored by Keval and Dr. R. Thamankar, in collaboration with researchers from Depts. of Chemistry at VIT Vellore and IIT Kanpur, and Fuel Chemistry Division at IGCAR Kalpakkam is published in Inorganic Chemistry Communications by Elsevier.
(I.F. 4.4).

Publication in AIP Advances
5 August 2024
Ashly's paper on "Emulating Ebbinghaus forgetting behavior in a neuromorphic device based on low dimensional h-BN", co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in AIP Advances by AIP Publishing. (I.F. 1.4).

International Conference - Best Oral Presentation
2 August 2024
Amrita presented her research work on "Pb-free Cs3Cu2I5 perovskite based opto-electronic synaptic device for neuromorphic application" and won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the International Conference on Low-Energy Digital Devices and Computing (ICLED2024) held during 01-04 August 2024 at Singapore.

Science Communication Outreach
19 July 2024
Promoting science communication, Prof. Ramesh Thamankar inaugurated the Physics Association at Auxilium College, Vellore. In his keynote address, Prof. Thamankar introduced the audience to cutting-edge topics in Neuromorphic Computing and Quantum Computing, inspiring students to pursue Physics in their higher education.

Publication in RSC Materials Advances
18 June 2024
Sreelakshmi's paper on "Investigation of the transient photo-response and switching window of an Al/indigo/Al device: unveiling negative photoconductivity and the photo-enhanced memory window", co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in Materials Advances by RSC. (I.F. 5.2).

M.Sc. Thesis defence
17 May 2024
Mr. Mrunal Shete successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis titled "Pb-free Cs3Cu2I5 perovskite based opto-electronic synaptic device for neuromorphic application" and presented his research work at the Post-graduate Research Outcome Symposium (PROS-2024) at VIT Vellore.

Invited lecture in Faculty Development Program
7 May 2024
Prof. Ramesh Thamankar delivered an invited lecture on "2D Materials and Electronics" at the Faculty Development Program on Emerging Materials for Future Electronics organised by the School of Electronics Engineering, VIT - Vellore.

Publication in IEEE Transactions - International Collaboration
29 April 2024
A paper on "Guidelines for the Design of Random Telegraph Noise-Based True Random Number Generators", co-authored by Dr. R. Thamankar, in collaboration with researchers from UNIMORE - Italy, CHALMERS - Sweden, and IMRE & SUTD - Singapore, is published in IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. (I.F. 2.5)

Publication in IEEE Conference - International Collaboration
27 March 2024
A paper on "Reliability Analysis of Random Telegraph Noisebased True Random Number Generators", co-authored by Dr. R. Thamankar, in collaboration with researchers from UNIMORE - Italy, CHALMERS - Sweden, and IMRE & SUTD - Singapore, is published in 2023 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW).

National Science Day - Quiz Win
28 February 2024
Girish, Keval, and Ashly from NeoSMaRT Group Win Second Prize in Physics Quiz at VIT-Vellore's National Science Day Celebrations.

Conference - Best Oral Presentation
19 January 2024
Ashly presented her research work on "Optoelectronic synapse using h-BN" and won the Best Oral Presentation (Third Prize) Award at the National Conference on Functional Materials and Applications (NCFMA-2024) held during 18-19 January 2024 at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India.

Publication in RSC Advances Journal
15 January 2024
Meenu's paper on "Spike rate dependent synaptic characteristics in lamellar, multilayered α-MoO3 based two-terminal devices: efficient way to control synaptic amplification", co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in RSC Advances by Royal Society of Chemistry. (I.F. 4.036).

Conference - Poster Presentation
15 December 2023
Amrita presented her poster titled "Artificial synapse based on Carbon Quantum Dots dispersed in Indigo molecular layer for Neuromorphic device application" at the 34th Annual General Meeting of Materials Research Society of India and 5th Indian Materials conclave, held at IIT (BHU), Varanasi during 12-15 December 2023.

Amrita's poster presentation at IIT-BHU

Amrita presenting her poster

Amrita interacting with speakers at MRSI AGM 2023

Amrita's poster presentation at IIT-BHU
International Conference - Oral Presentation
20 November 2023
Amrita presented her research work on "Carbon Quantum Dots based Neuromorphic Device" at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology held during 20-21 November 2023 at Vienna, Austria.

Amrita presents her work at an International Conference in Vienna, Austria.

Conference Certificate

Amrita presents her work at an International Conference in Vienna, Austria.
INSPIRE - SRF upgradation
17 November 2023
Meenu's INSPIRE Fellowship is upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) based on good progress in her work on "Threshold Switching in single/multilayer MoO3" by DST, Govt. of India.
Congratulations Meenu!

Meenu's INSPIRE Fellowship has been upgraded from JRF to SRF by DST.

Meenu's INSPIRE Fellowship has been upgraded from JRF to SRF by DST.
New Probe Station for Device Characterization
30 October 2023
A new probe station is added to the lab facility for electrical characterization of thin film devices.
Make: EverBeing Int'l; Model: C4
4 probes with magnetic-lock-based micropositioners
Tungsten probe tips of 5µm diameter
Heatable vacuum chuck; Temperatures: RT - 200°C
Optical microscope; Magnification: 150x; Camera: Moticam 8MP
Source Measurement Unit (SMU) - Keysight B2902B
This instrument is funded by DST-SERB Core Research Grant.

Workshop attended - INUP-i2i Hands-on Training
14 September 2023
Girish participated in the 10-days Hands-on Training on "Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques" as a part of Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme - idea to innovation (INUP-i2i) jointly organized by MeitY, Govt. of India and CeNSE, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru from 04-14 September 2023.

Publication in Dyes and Pigments Journal
29 August 2023
Sreelakshmi's paper on "Coexistence of synaptic behaviour and negative differential resistance at room temperature in the resistive switching device based on natural indigo molecules", co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in Dyes and Pigments by Elsevier. (I.F. 5.122).

Alumna secures admission to Masters Programme
5 June 2023
Ms. Aishwarya G, who completed her Master's Thesis with NeoSMaRT, joins the Masters Programme in Materials Science and Engineering at Columbia University, New York, USA.

Publication in Nature Scientific Reports
9 May 2023
Keval's paper on "Bio-inspired artificial synapse for neuromorphic computing based on NiO nanoparticle thin film" co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, Dr. A. Rastogi & Dr. R. Ganesan, is published in Nature Scientific Reports (I.F. 4.6).

Best Poster Award @IC-FMFT 2023
21 April 2023
Keval won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the International Conference on Functional Materials for Future Technology (IC-FMFT 2023) hosted by the Centre for Functional Materials at VIT Vellore, India. The award sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry included an RSC Book Voucher along with the certificate.
Congratulations Keval!

Team NeoSMaRT participates in IC-FMFT 2023
20 April 2023
NeoSMaRT group members participated and volunteered for the International Conference on Functional Materials for Future Technology (IC-FMFT 2023) hosted by the Centre for Functional Materials at VIT Vellore, India from April 19-21, 2023.
Ashly, Amrita, Keval, Meenu and Sreelakshmi participated in Poster Presentation, and also volunteered for the conference.
Girish actively volunteered in designing and compiling the official Book of Abstracts, and served as the Master of Ceremonies for the inaugural event.
Dr. Ramesh Thamankar served as the Chair for some technical sessions and organised the events as the Convener of the conference.

CFM hosts an International Conference (IC-FMFT 2023)
19 April 2023
The Centre for Functional Materials (CFM) hosts the International Conference on Functional Materials for Future Technology (IC-FMFT 2023) from 19-21 April 2023 at VIT Vellore, India.
Dr. Ramesh Thamankar and CFM Director Dr. R. Ezhil Vizhi convene the conference.
Book of Abstracts: icfmft2023-bookofabstracts.pdf
Conference Website: https://vit.ac.in/ICFMFT-2023/

Publication in APL Materials
1 April 2023
Amrita's paper on "Artificial synapse based on carbon quantum dots dispersed in indigo molecular layer for neuromorphic applications" co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar, is published in APL Materials by AIP Publishing. (I.F. 6.635)

Guest Lecture by ISRO Scientist
3 March 2023
Dr. V. Radhakrishna, Head - Instrumentation Division, Space Astronomy Group, U.R. Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO delivered a talk on "Space Science Missions - Motivation and Challenges" to the students and faculty at VIT Vellore.
This lecture was organised by Prof. Ramesh Thamankar through Centre for Functional Materials (CFM).

DST STUTI Workshop attended
5 February 2023
Ashly attended the 1-week training programme on R&D Equipment "Advanced Instrumentation: Theory and Practice" jointly organized by the Department of Physics, SAS, VIT, Vellore and NIT, Warangal under the DST STUTI scheme.

Workshop attended - INUP-i2i Familiarization
25 January 2023
Girish and Amrita attended the 3-days INUP-i2i online Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies, conducted by IIT-Bombay during 23-25 January 2023.

DST-SERB Core Research Grant sanctioned
4 January 2023
Prof. Ramesh Thamankar's project proposal on "MoS2/CaF2 Nanocomposite based Resistive Switching devices for Neuromorphic applications" is awarded the Core Research Grant (CRG) for a duration of 3 years by the Science and Engineering Board (SERB), DST, Govt. of India.

Prof. Thamankar's invited lecture at Manipal Conference
3 December 2022
Prof. Ramesh Thamankar delivers an invited talk on "Memristors as an ideal platform for Neuromorphic devices and computation - A Physicist's perspective" during the 10th National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics and Applications (CMPA2022) organised by Manipal Institute of Techonology, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

Alumna secures Ph.D. position
22 November 2022
Ms. Meera N, who completed her Master's Thesis with NeoSMaRT, joins her Ph.D. position with Dr. Alwin Daus at the Chair of Electronic Devices (ELD), RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Update: Ms. Meera is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at University of Freiburg, Germany.

Meera with her Ph.D. supervisor and her colleague (right to left).

Meera with her Ph.D. supervisor and her colleague (right to left).
Conference - Poster Presentation
10 November 2022
Ashly presented her poster titled 'Room temperature Photoluminescence in low dimensional hexagonal Boron Nitride' at the International symposium on “Advanced Microscopy and its Application in Materials Science" organised by IIT, Madras, Chennai.

Ms. Ashly presenting her poster at IIT-Madras

Ms. Ashly presenting her poster at IIT-Madras
Alumna qualifies GRE
27 October 2022
Ms. Aishwarya G, who completed her Master's Thesis with NeoSMaRT, qualifies the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) 2022.

Virtual Workshop attended - ROSMD2022
24 October 2022
Amrita, Meenu and Girish attended a 6-day virtual workshop on "Research Opportunities in Semiconductor Materials and Devices" (ROSMD-2022) jointly organised by SRMIST, Chennai and IIITDM, Kancheepuram.

Workshop attended - INUP-i2i Level 2
20 October 2022
Keval attended the 10-day Hands-on Training on "Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques" as Level 2 of Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme - idea to innovation (INUP-i2i) organized by CeNSE, IISc, Bengaluru.

Mr. Keval presenting his project proposal at IISc Bengaluru.

Mr. Keval presenting his project proposal at IISc Bengaluru.
Workshop Attended - Abhyaas Karyashala
21 September 2022
Keval attended a 1-week Workshop on "Emerging Electronics for Logic and Memory devices: Towards Next-generation Computing
System" under Abhyaas Karyashala component of Accelerate Vigyan Scheme of SERB-DST organised by NIT-Silchar, Assam.

Publication in ACS Omega
15 September 2022
Ashly's paper on "Room-Temperature Deep-UV Photoluminescence from Low-Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride Prepared Using a Facile Synthesis" co-authored with Dr. R. Thamankar is published in ACS Omega (I.F. 4.1).

Conference - Oral Presentation - SRS22
11 August 2022
Ashly presented her work titled 'Room temperature photoluminescence in low dimensional hexagonal Boron Nitride' at the online Student Research Symposium 2022 themed 'Emerging Nanotechnology in Electron Devices' jointly organised by IEEE Chapters (NTC, EDS, and Sensors Council), IIT, Indore.

INSPIRE Fellowship awarded
8 July 2022
Meenu is awarded the INSPIRE Fellowship for her work on "Threshold Switching in single/multilayer MoO3" by DST, Govt. of India.

M.Sc. Thesis defence
13 May 2022
Ms. Meera successfully defends her M.Sc. Thesis titled "Two-dimensional materials based artificial synapses" at VIT, Vellore.

M.Sc. Thesis defence
13 May 2022
Ms. Aishwarya successfully defended her M.Sc. Thesis titled "Resistive Switching based Neuromorphic Devices" at VIT, Vellore.

Publication - Book Chapter
25 February 2022
Book Chapter on "Resistive Switching and Hysterisis Phenomena at Nanoscale" written by alumnus Vithaldas along with Prof. Ramesh, is published in the book 'Electromagnetic Field in Advancing Science and Technology' by IntechOpen.

GATE Qualification
20 March 2021
Amrita qualifies the national level Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Physics 2021.