Nano-electronics Systems & Materials Research Team
Vithaldas Raja
Doctoral Student at VIT-Vellore, India
Research Interests:
Nano-electronics, Hybrid Heterostructures, Oxide Interfaces.
Ph.D. student, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu (December 2021 - Current).
M.Sc. (Physics), Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu (2018-20).
B.Sc. (Physics), Thakur College of Science & Commerce, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra (2014-18).
Research Experience:
M.Sc. Thesis - "Designing a multiwavelength metalens for optical frequencies", VIT, Vellore (May 2020).
Fast Track Research Initiative (FTRI) project on "Study of electrical response of VO2 nano-sheets to relative humidity level", VIT, Vellore (2019).
Publications at NeoSMaRT
In the Spotlight
Publication - Book Chapter
25 February 2022
Book Chapter on "Resistive Switching and Hysterisis Phenomena at Nanoscale" written by alumnus Vithaldas along with Prof. Ramesh, is published in the book 'Electromagnetic Field in Advancing Science and Technology' by IntechOpen.